The “Lockdown.” It’s here. It’s weird. It’s unsettling. And, it’s starting to get a wee bit boring now. With so much angst, anxiety, fear and panic in the world, now calls for a time to try and distract ourselves as much as possible. There are home workout options aplenty, if that’s your sort of thing, books you’ve been meaning to read for donkey’s years to devour, new languages to learn – Si vous aimez ce genre de chose – and endless Facetiming, Housepartying, and Zooming to catch up with those you love and miss.
However, if you are like the Propstore crew, then none of these options comes close to losing yourself in an awesome film. Not only are films our jobs, but they are our passion (cheesy but true). They are our favourite topic of conversation at the office – which we so miss being in – and we are constantly recommending them to each other.
Director: John Woo
Genre: Action/Thriller
Duration: 2h 20m
Director: George Miller
Genre: Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi
Duration: 2h
Director: Peter Jackson
Genre: Adventure/Fantasy
Duration: Fellowship of the Ring 3h 24m, The Two Towers 3h 42m, The Return of the King 4h 6m, Combined 11h 12m
Director: Jim Henson
Genre: Fantasy/Musical
Duration: 1h 41m
Director: Quentin Tarantino
Genre: Comedy/Crime
Duration: 2h 58m
I realise Pulp Fiction is probably one of the most common answers when people are asked their favourite film, but it really is my absolute fave and I don’t mind sounding like a cliché. My Dad showed me this film when I was about 11 (top notch parenting!) and as soon as I watched it, I was absolutely obsessed and couldn’t wait to tell my friends all about it. I remember taping it from the TV onto VHS and bringing it to a friend’s house to watch in her bedroom and when it got to the car clean-up scene, trying desperately to pause the screen on the open car trunk to see Marvin’s headless body because we thought it was so shocking/gross! I used to listen to the soundtrack every day on the bus to school, and I’ve just watched it so many times I can’t even count, I think when I was about 14 I managed to find a version that played the scenes in chronological order.
The day the “Bad Motherfucker” wallet came into Propstore for EMLA was definitely a good day for me. But yeah, I’m sure you’ve all seen this already, but it’s always worth watching again (and again, and again), the dialogue is so smart and funny, and the characters are so cool it hurts.
Director: Christopher Nolan
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Duration: 2h 10m
In between making Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, Christopher Nolan put Batman and Wolverine against each other in a story about rival magicians in 19th century London. A psychological thriller with twists and turns galore. Two magicians battle it out to perform the greatest trick the world has ever seen. A beautiful film with an all-star cast (including an unrecognisable David Bowie as Nikola Tesla). The story is about magicians but the film itself is also one big magic trick.
Christian Bale’s character with the opening line of “Are you watching closely?” is seemingly harmless at first, but on multiple viewings I came to realise that line is really Nolan asking us, the audience, if we are watching closely. When you know how the story ends, any viewing of the film afterwards becomes a puzzle for us to work out as it unfolds. If you’ve seen it once, watch it again. If you haven’t ever seen it… what are you waiting for? A quarantine?
Director: John Hughes
Genre: Adventure/Comedy
Duration: 1h 33m
My brother and I were raised on these classic 80’s films, so they hold a real soft spot in my heart. This genius film features 2 comedy greats; Steve Martin, and the late great John Candy. Candy will always be one of my favourite actors thanks to his amazing comic timing, sincere empathy and heart-felt performances. Planes, Trains and Automobiles is no exception. This film was never going to win the Best Picture Academy Award, nor will it be renowned by critics as a life-changing piece of art. However, for me, the chemistry between Martin and Candy, the subtle humour and laugh out loud moments, the gentle heartbreak and relatability, and, oh that bitter sweet ending, all make it a film I will love getting lost in time and time again.
Director: Mel Stuart
Genre: Family/Musical
Duration: 1h 29m
This film is just pure childish joy. A whole factory that produces delicious wonders and scrumptious curios, what could be better? Such amazing things as fizzy lifting drink, everlasting gobstoppers and a three-course dinner chewing gum are just a few of the genius inventions of the brilliant and kooky Willy Wonka. All of these things captured the imaginations of countless children. Watching the film makes you wish you could be transported into the film to try all of the delicious sweets that are up for grabs, no matter what your age is.
Gene Wilder is just such a fantastic Willy Wonka with his charming smiles and wonderous speeches. But he also can juxtapose all that with an eerie feel in certain scenes of the film, here’s looking at you creepy boat scene. I can’t begin to count the amount of times I have seen this film but every time I watch it, it brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart. There are so many wonderful scenes and quotes in the film and Willy Wonka truly is a magical character that I will always remember for the rest of my life.
Director: David Schwimmer
Genre: Comedy/Romance
Duration: 1h 40m
Anyone who has been running (marathon or just fitness), will appreciate this film. Even if you’ve never run for more than the bus, you’ll enjoy this gem directed by David Schwimmer. Hank Azaria is deliciously smug as Whit, and the young son is a Lord of the Rings fanatic. You’ll never want to pop a blister again once you’ve watched it. Whenever I lose the motivation to carry on running, I just watch this film and the enthusiasm returns. Brilliant soundtrack too.
Director: Rob Reiner
Genre: Family/Adventure
Duration: 1h 38m
Because it was, is, and always will be, the best film ever made. True love, cliffs of insanity, a fire swamp, shrieking eels, lightning sand, swordfights, poison, miracles, rodents of unusual size, kidnap, the pit of despair and a fire cloak. It never gets old and it always cheers me up.
Director: Jim Abrahams
Genre: Comedy/Crime
Duration: 1h 34m
This is just a really silly, funny film. Danny DeVito and Bette Midler are brilliant as always, and though not one people remember, it has always made me laugh.
Director: Keenan Ivory Wayans
Genre: Comedy/Crime
Duration: 1h 55m
I am fully aware that my choice isn’t award winning, but I have always had a soft spot for it. My brother originally bought this film on DVD and I watched it with him. At the time I was definitely too young to be watching it and probably didn’t fully understand what was going on. But I remember laughing along to it and loving the soundtrack.
The way the Wayan Brothers are transformed into the Wilson sisters is pretty impressive and they nail their mannerisms from the moment they arrive at the Hamptons. It is hard to pick my favourite moment as I have too many, but I do love when the girls go on a shopping trip as I think every girl can relate to the stress of trying on clothes in a changing room. And then there is the addition of Terry Crews as pro basketball player Latrell Spencer, he steals every scene he is in. I love anything that features silly comedy and I think this film is perfect for a time like this when you may need cheering up.
Director: Tim Burton
Genre: Adventure/Fantasy
Duration: 1h 48m
We have a nineteen-year-old Alice returning to a barely-remembered childhood adventure in Wonderland but in Tim Burton style, what is there not to love? This film grabs me, not only because I’m a fan of Alice in Wonderland and Tim Burton, but because of the visuals and the thought and care that has been applied to each and every character. Not only that but the beautiful design and essence of the whole film itself, everything was thought of. I could watch this film over and over. It’s a really fun watch if you want to escape reality for a couple of hours!
Director: Harold Ramis
Genre: Comedy/Romance
Duration: 1h 41m
The current situation of the world might make us feel like we’re living the same day over but here’s a film to remind you of what that’s really like. Bill Murray relives the same day, February 2nd in Punxsutawney, PA. For me, this is one of the best 90s comedies, as Director Harold Ramis explores the subject of human growth through Murray’s improvisation and hints of a dark undertone. This is a film you can watch over and over and over and over again…
Director: Simon Wincer
Genre: Action/Western
Duration: 1h 38m
Not one for everyone but something about this film brings me so much joy. For one, it has Bon Jovi in the title track (already awesome) and motorbikes (wicked). I love this film so much, I spent 25 years wishing I had bought the boot in an auction until my good friend tracked it down and gifted it to me on my 50th.
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