This lot will be auctioned on Tuesday, June 29th. The auction will begin at 9:00am PDT and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. Note other lots in the auction may close on June 30th or July 1st.
A production-used clapperboard from Steven Spielberg's action-adventure Raiders of the Lost Ark. Long-time Spielberg collaborator and the film's producer, Frank Marshall, occasionally stepped in to direct additional photography and pick-ups during production.
This black-and-white wood clapperboard with metal hinges is hand-painted with the film's title and cameraman Paul Beeson, and includes the name of second-unit director Marshall on a piece of white gaffer's tape, as well as labels for the shoot date "25.9.80." Slate number "S/35," take number "1," and "Ext. Day" are also marked in white chalk and black marker on tape. A large volume of white tape pieces are accumulated at the bottom of the board, as each day's date would be applied with a fresh piece of top on top of the last one. The board was originally painted with the name of second-unit director Mickey Moore, and his name still resides below the taped-on Marshall name. The last shot number and take number the board was used for also still present, marked in chalk. This was one of the last days of shooting on the film and the board was used throughout production at Elstree Studios in the U.K., and on location. Taped to the back is an original Samuelson Film Service shot chart which is filled out with hand-written notes on takes. Samuelson was the company that provided camera equipment and slates to the majority of productions shot in the U.K. at that time.
This lot is in good overall condition with general signs of age and use, including rusting to the hinge, stains to the paperwork, and chalk residue from being erased. Dimensions: 10.25" x 8" x 0.75" (26 cm x 20.5 cm x 2 cm)
Estimate: $10,000 - 15,000