This year’s Cinema Poster Live Auction has over 300 posters, including an amazing selection of posters and original artwork from the collections of well-known comic-art artist Jock, Academy Award®-winning special effects cinematographer, Richard Edlund, former Lucasfilm Executive and Assistant Director Howard Kazanjian, and so much more!
So, sit back, relax, and get up-close and personal with some of our featured lots from the auction…
An awesome looking fantasy adventure poster by Francesco Francavilla for the Ray Harryhausen special effects extravaganza “Clash of the Titans”. Manufactured by D&L Screenprinting and released by Mondo on the 3rd January 2014. With its retro vibe and fantastic orange and gold colour tones, it’s clearly a homage to the ‘old school’ B-movie monster/sci-fi posters of the ’50s and ’60s.
Featuring the giant four-armed Kraken sea monster and the snake-haired Medusa this limited edition print run poster of 275 is numbered #105.
Artist: Francesco Francavilla
Estimate: £100 – 200
‘The Day The Earth Stood Still’ (1951) brought together all that later sci-fi movies strive for; a solid story, believable characters and (for the time) ground-breaking special effects (including one of the most iconic robots ever created – Gort). Any paper memorabilia from the classic sci-fi American B movies of the 1950s are always highly sought after. None so more so than the British examples, which were often printed in much lower quantities than the US equivalents. This UK Quad has unique UK-specific imagery, prominently featuring Gort and with very different colouring from the US posters. The poster offered here has been linen-backed with minor restoration, with the original fold lines been made nearly invisible. The colours remain vibrant and bright and it displays and presents in excellent condition. This poster is truly one of the scarcest and most difficult 1950s horror/sci-fi posters to obtain and is rarely seen offered in the market.
Artist: Unknown Artist
Estimate: £11,000 – 13,000

Original Alamo Drafthouse silk screen movie poster for “Goldfinger” from the Rolling Roadshow screening in Fort Knox, Kentucky which took place on Friday August 3rd 2007. This hand-pulled three colour lithograph features an impressive portrait of Connery made from gold bars (in metallic RED inks), offset against a subtle disguised backdrop of scenes and characters from the film. Designed by Todd Slater, the Mondo/Drafthouse collaboration has since become extremely popular and valuable whereas back in 2007 these ‘alternative’ movie poster reimagined art prints were not widely known and mainly purchased by Bond fans. This ‘red’ style is by far the scarcest of the scarce, with a print run of only ten being made available with this being hand signed and numbered #3/10 by the artist Todd Slater.
Artist: Todd Slater
Estimate: £1,500 – 2,500

UK Quad Poster, STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE (1977)
A beautiful rolled example of one of the rarest and most sought after Star Wars posters originally produced in 1977, the Hildebrandt Brothers version for George Lucas’ “Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope”. After a very limited release (1-2 weeks) this poster was withdrawn and replaced with the more commercial Style C featuring Tom Chantrell’s artwork. A firm favourite with fans and more in keeping with the fantasy aspects of Lucas’ space saga. Presented here in original unrestored condition, this rolled (as issued) example looks magnificent; pure whites and deep unfaded dark colour tones. This version was rated 5.0/6.0 by for rarity, making it the second rarest Star Wars poster ever, and given a 10/10 rarity rating by the industry bible for Star Wars posters, Stephen Sansweet’s aptly named “Star Wars Poster Book”.
Artist: Greg & Tim Hildebrandt
Estimate: £4,000 – 6,000

US One-Sheet Poster, E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL (1982)
When “E.T. The Extra Terrestrial” was first released in 1982, a very small number of full-size 27″ x 41″ posters with the “bike over the moon” imagery were created by design agency B.D. Fox & Family, and were personally distributed by Steven Spielberg to friends, key members of the production staff and close associates. These are known as the First Printing “Bike over the Moon” posters, and the lot we are offering is true full-size 27″ x 41″, which we believe is the first time this particular poster has been offered at auction. The popularity of the imagery culminated in the Studio issuing a second print for Studio employees, cast and crew and these were reportedly placed in the office lobby area for employees to take. The second print (more common) posters are undersized measuring 26 3/4″ x 40″ and were used in marketing campaigns in cinemas. The marketing department at Universal® wanted the imagery used for the major advertising campaign and theatrical use, but Spielberg vetoed this initially declaring that it gave away to much of the plot and then deciding on it becoming the logo for his company Amblin.
Artist: B.D. Fox & Family
Estimate: £800 – £1,200

US One-Sheet Poster, INVASION OF THE SAUCER-MEN (1957)
“See Earth attacked by flying saucers! See teenagers vs. the saucer men!”. Examples of classic 1950’s B-movie science fiction don’t come better than this superb 1957 country of origin US One-Sheet for Samuel Z. Arkoff’s 1957 production “Invasion of the Saucer Men”. Truly outstanding Albert Kallis artwork that features the alien “cabbage head” invaders from space. Originally folded, this is now presented linen-backed with light restoration and it looks ‘out of this world’. Any paper ephemera from this movie is scarce and far more difficult to obtain than other examples from the more famous 1950s horror/sci-fi titles as it played in far fewer theaters than Forbidden Planet, The Day the Earth Stood Still, or other more mainstream science fiction titles.
Artist: Albert Kallis
Estimate: £3,000 – 5,000

Long before Tim Burton reinvented him, Christopher Nolan reimagined him or Ben Affleck played him as an older, more mature Caped Crusader; there was “BATMAN” 1960’s style, as the decade’s most popular TV show was transported to the big screen. “Batman: The Movie” (1966) is a camp, cheesy movie with a huge and loyal fanbase. With imagery that was unique to Britain, Tom Chantrell’s dynamic and colourful artwork perfectly encapsulates the swinging 60’s and light-hearted tone of the film. His design and layout is superb featuring all the key characters with Batman and Robin taking centre stage. Displays to very good effect in original folded (as issued) condition with bright, vibrant colours.
Artist: Tom Chantrell
Estimate: £7,000 – 9,000

To quote a well respected alternative movie poster forum contributor: “100% Badass”. We would have to agree with him. A truly epic ‘widescreen’ print that looks far better in the flesh than any photograph can convey; close your eyes and you can hear The Doors performing “The End”. Originally a private commission and never publicly available, this variant edition has come directly from Jock’s personal collection and is hand-numbered #5/20 and ‘double’ signed by Jock. Never displayed and straight from the storage drawer, it presents to excellent effect.
Artist: Jock
Estimate: £300 – £500

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