Terminator 2: Judgement Day

T1000 Costume

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The Terminator (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) of the 1984 movie was an emotionless, unstoppable killing machine, the ultimate infiltration assassin. For the sequel, Terminator 2 Judgment Day, Director James Cameron needed a foe more fearsome, more terrifying and more deadly. He created the T-1000, a shape shifting robot with the same objective as Arnie’s original robot of the first movie. Kill John Connor!

Terminator 2 was released to overwhelming public acclaim and huge box office in the summer of 1991. It completely revolutionised special effects in the movies. State of the art computer effects were used along side more traditional physical effects to create a nemesis for John and Sarah Connor.

The T-1000 is made from “mimetic poly-alloy” (apparently), a substance that can replicate anything it touches, as long as it is of equal volume. Schwarzenegger’s character explains “it can form knives and stabbing weapons”. There were times in the movie it seemed that it would be impossible for our heroes to survive such was the menace created by Robert Patrick portraying the T-1000.

The Propstore has a complete T-1000 costume in its collection. Shirt, undershirt, trousers, belt, shoes and socks. This costume was seen in the escape from the Pescadero mental institution and is complete with the terrifying hook arms that first wrenched the elevator doors open and then clung to the back of the fleeing police car. The officer blues are genuine police issue garments that were adapted with special effect chrome bullet hits. The arms are made from fibreglass with a steel supports which have been seamlessly blended into the body of the costume. The costume is presented in a typical running pose with a custom made light up base featuring the movie logo

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