Immortal Costume

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Frank Miller’s graphic novel 300 is based on the Battle of Thermopylae, a legendary conflict named after a pass in central Greece in 480 BC. The famous last stand involved 300 Spartans led by Leonidas (Gerard Butler in the movie) who held back an army of Persians believed to have numbered in the hundreds of thousands. The Persian army was commanded by Xerxes, the “god like” king of Persia.

Miller was executive producer on the Hollywood version of his novel and Zach Snyder was the director. The live action was filmed in front of a greenscreen with a computer generated background added later. This achieved the comic book style that was intended and, with the use of generally washed out colours, made the blood red of the action scenes stand out vividly.
The elite guard of Xerxes army were the Immortals, an army within an army kept to a number of 10,000. In the movie, the Immortals are human like creatures that were dressed in black leather with Samurai like body armour and a pair of straight bladed swords. The mostdistinctive aspect of their appearance though is the striking silver mask. The costume was designed by Michael Wilkinson and is one of the most memorable characters from the film. The Immortal in the Propstore collection stands proudly on guard in our offices and is displayed on a custom made mannequin in a particularly forceful pose.

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