In The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists, Hugh Grant stars in his first animated role as the luxuriantly bearded Pirate Captain – a boundlessly enthusiastic, if somewhat less-than-successful, terror of the High Seas. With a rag-tag crew at his side and seemingly blind to the impossible odds stacked against him, the Captain has one dream: to beat his bitter to the much coveted Pirate Of The Year Award. It’s a quest that takes our heroes from the shores of exotic Blood Island to the foggy streets of Victorian London. Along the way they do battle with the pirate-hating Queen Victoria and team up with a young Charles Darwin, but never lose sight of what a pirate loves best: adventure!


Propstore is thrilled to be able to provide pirates fans with the chance to win an original stop motion puppet from the hilarious movie, a young school girl featured aboard the ship the Pirate Captain and his rag-tag crew raid in a misguided attempt to acquire treasure!


All you need to do is answer the following question:


[WpProQuiz 1]


The competition closes at 23:59 GMT on Monday 23rd December 2013. The lucky winner will be announced on Christmas Eve!


Click here to see our other swashbuckling puppets and props from the film, available to purchase now!