June 29th – July 1st 2021

Propstore proudly presents over 1,300 exciting lots of original props, costumes and entertainment memorabilia.
DAY 1: Lots 1 – 439 JUNE 29TH 2021
DAY 2: Lots 440 – 895 JUNE 30TH 2021
DAY 3: Lots 896 – 1362 JULY 1ST 2021
How to Bid?
Online bids can be placed as absentee bids prior to auction or in real-time on auction day. You can also sign up to bid in real-time via telephone, or to leave absentee bids directly with Propstore.
To follow the bidding activity during the auction, a live stream is broadcast in the online bidding platform.

Looking for the catalog?
Looking for the catalog?
More than 1,300 incredible lots of rare props, costumes, production material and other entertainment memorabilia from over 500 titles will be up for auction. The online catalog and PDF download catalog will be available June 1st. Printed catalogs are available for pre-order now.
Registered bidders get early access to catalog on Friday May 28th.
Auction Teaser Trailer
Highlights Preview
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