Released in 1984, Gremlins, directed by Joe Dante was a huge hit. It introduced the world to Mogwai’s, in particular a cute fella named Gizmo, and a set of 3 rules. Keep the Mogwai away from sunlight, do not get him wet and most importantly, do not feed him after midnight. Why can’t the good folk in the movies just follow the rules …
The movie proved a commercial success and the inevitable sequel came along in 1990. The Mogwai and Gremlins puppets for Gremlins 2 The New Batch were made by Rick Baker, he designed a number of imaginative and elaborate new characters. The detail and quality of construction of Rick’s work is very impressive.
This Gremlin skeleton was specially made for the final scenes of the movie when all the evil creatures are killed in the movie theatre. As the Gremlins rapidly decompose on screen it is possible to spot this skeleton exposed on one of the unfortunate victims. It is made from resin and has been posed on a custom made stand with a light up logo base. He is full size and stands 2 feet tall.
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