Glen A Larson created Battlestar Galactica in 1978. The franchise has spawned sequels, TV movies, comics, books and ultimately a complete reinvention of the show in 2003. The basic story involves a race of humans who live in the “Twelve Colonies” and there ongoing battle with Cylons, a race of robot like foes. These battles often take place as dog fights in space and that is where the Viper’s and the Raptor’s defend the colonies honour.
This puppet is Victor Van Dort the unfortunate hero of the story, he was voiced by Burton regular Johnny The Vipers are single seater fighter aircraft, highly manoeuvrable with potent weaponry. The Viper pilot costume is one of the iconic outfits of the revamped series. A pearlescent green jumpsuit forms the basis of the suit with faux suede detail to the shoulders and sides. The silver helmet is fibreglass and lights up internally via a battery pack. The costume is completed with a black nylon webbing set and a stunt “clamshell” pistol
This amazing set was designed by Deborah Everton who was the original designer on the mini series. She is an award winning costume designer whose other credits include Star Trek and Terminator movies. The ensemble has been presented on a custom made stand with a base that illuminates red with the Battlestar Galactica logo.
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